Moje prijatelji i obitelj,
Holy buckets, I've been here for 4 whole weeks! I'm, like, 1/18th done! Where has the time gone!?
This week was a real treat. I think I mentioned this, but we got new missionaries to the zone last Wednesday, and it has been a really good time. We played kickball (oldies vs. newbies) on Monday, and even though it was 18 of us against 28 of them, we totally crushed them! Not that we kept score. But you just knew.
Ooh! To my Minnesota Mormons: y'all know the Driscolls from Medicine Lake? The Torontos' cousins? Elder Tyler Driscoll is in my zone! We had never actually spoken before he got to the MTC, but now we're friends. He's going to the Czech-Slovak mission, but they're in my zone because most of the Eastern Europe missions are pretty dinky. It's a good time.
This week in class we practiced contacting (talking to people on the street)! We started off in English and it was really fun, but then we had to do it in Croatian. Not as fun, but still a good time. Nothing like having to improvise an entire conversation to let you know how little you know of a language :)
We also got to host yesterday! Basically, we welcomed new missionaries as they pulled up and helped them get to their residences and classrooms. It was a blast. And we got to miss class. The sisters I hosted were wonderful and so excited to be here. What an inspiration.
So mom told me to send her pictures, but a sister from my district has my USB converter, so I can't send anything. I'll do better next week, promise!
The weather is getting colder, but we still spend as much time outside as possible, because that's just how we are. The world is beautiful, people!
Okay, now for the fraza dana:
"Što radiš??" : (shtoh rahdeesh) "What are you doing??" This is a popular phrase in our district. We do interesting things.
Okay, it's that time again! Gotta get back to the grinder.
Love you all!
Sestra Watts
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