Sister Katarina Watts
Svačićev Trg 3/1
HR-10000 Zagreb
Dobar dan, friends and family!
I don't think I need to say this, but we fly out on MONDAY! As in, four days from now, November 24th! The only downside is that we leave the MTC at 3:30 in the morning to catch our 7:30 flight, but it's not like I'll be sleeping much anyway. It's getting real, people!
This week was phenomenal. I love my district. We all decided to make this one awesome, and focus even harder than we have before, and it's worked! I'm so grateful for the people that I have met here and the dedication they have to this work. I can see the Lord's hand in this work when I look at them and how we all work so well together. My companion and I, Sister Washburn, just keep growing closer as we get to know each other better. She has taught me so much. She is the kindest, most caring person that I know, to be completely honest. I am going to miss her and the rest of my district so much when we part ways! Good thing we're in the same mission and will be able to see each other at conferences and such all the time. It just won't be a 24/7 thing anymore.
This week Sister Wixom (primary general pres) spoke in Relief Society, and Sister Linda K. Burton (Relief Society gen pres) did a devotional. They were both fantastic, and I have come to love and respect them. They are both such strong, influential, spiritual women. If I could be half the women they are at their age, I could die a happy death. What inspirations.
Sorry this was a little quick, but it is dinner time, and I love me some food! Another tender mercy of the Lord is that I'm not sick of this food yet! The church is true, everyone.
Okay, fraza dana. This one is my favorite thing ever.
Ne ću moći doći, ja ću ići kući: (nay choo moe-chee doe-chee, yah choo ee-chee koo-chee) "I will not be able to come, I am going to go home." Probably the most fun thing you will ever say. I can guarantee you that I will use this at every possible opportunity.
I love you all! As ever, thanks for your love and prayers and whatever else you do for me!
Vidimo se,
Sestra Watts
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