Called to serve in the Adriatic North Mission.

Monday, January 5, 2015

This is the view from my plain into Croatia. I'm pretty sure this is the Alps.

So in the Balkans, January 6th is Orthodox Christmas. We will definitely still work all day though.
Hi! How was everyone's New Year? Ours was great. And by great, I mean normal. We went to bed at 10:30, and then at 11:45 we were woken up on account of a continuous stream of fireworks going off. And when I say continuous, I mean it. They didn't slow until 12:30. It was the final culmination of a whole month's worth of random gigantic bangs sounding at random periods throughout the day. We're grateful that it's done.
This email is coming at you from the mission office in Zagreb, by the way. Sister Walker has another Mission Leadership Training today and tomorrow, so I'm on an exchange here with Sister Lee during that. I never thought I would travel this much! It's a lot of fun.
Last week was alright. New Years Day was unbelievably cold (although definitely not as much so as Minnesota), and we still had to go out finding and proselyting. People weren't very receptive, I wonder why. We woke them up, probably.
I don't have much else to say, honestly! We did a lot of finding this past week. We were busy and worked hard, but I doubt any of it was interesting enough for you lovely people to want to read :)
That being said, I hope you all have made excellent New Years goals that include a lot of fun and service and being great member missionaries! Love you all.
Fraza dana:
Šta ćeš? (shtah chesh) -- Literally, "what will you?" but really means "Well, what are you gonna do?" Like when someone says something hopeless.
Sestra Watts

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